Acne Vulgaris

What is Acne Vulgaris?

Acne Vulgaris, or more commonly known as 'pimples, zits or spots', is the most common skin condition affecting up to 80% of the population at some point in life. It is formed as a result of obstruction and inflammation of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands that produce essential oils for the skin. 

Some common causes for acne include:

  • Puberty (most common)
  • Pregnancy/periods
  • Certain cosmetics, cleansers, lotions, clothing
  • High humidity and sweating

Classification of Acne

In order to decide which skin care products or medication to choose, it depends on the severity of the condition. We classify the severity based on the following criteria:

  • Type and size of spots
  • Number of spots 
  • Inflammation
  • Surface Area

mild acne
Moderate acne
Severe acne

General Advice

Avoid over-cleaning the skin as this may cause dryness and irritation - twice daily washing with gentle soap is adequate.

Use skin care products/make-up products with a pH close to the skin.

Avoid picking and squeezing scars due to the risk of scarring  

Treatments are effective but may take time to work (up to 8 weeks) and may initially irritate the skin  

Maintain a healthy diet