New Patients

Register as a New Patient

Registrations are welcome from new patients living within our catchment area. 

If you are unsure whether you are in our catchment area, please give us a call on 0131 552 7676.

Registration forms can be collected from our reception team.  


Please find details of what to bring below.


Temporary Registration

If you are ill, or need immediate treatment while away from home and are not registered with us- you can be registered as a temporary patient for up to three months- this will enable us to treat and assist you.

To arrange being registered as a temporary patient, please fill out the form below and return it to the surgery, or pop in to our reception to receive a paper copy. 

TR Registration Form

What to Bring When Registering as a New Patient

If you are looking to register with us as a new patient, we ask that you bring one form of Photographic ID and one Proof of address (utility bill etc.).

We will ask you for proof of identity when you present these documents at the surgery- we will not need to make copies, but a member of our staff must attest that they have seen them.

We will do our best to register you on our system within two working days. You will not receive a notification to inform you of your registration, howeverm if you need any medical attention, please give us a call. Once we have processed your registration form, your medical records will be transferred to our practice, however, this may take several weeks.

If you are on any regular medications, please bring proof of your medication when handing in your registration form and make an appointment if necessary.

Update Your Contact Details

If you change your name, marital status, address or telephone number, please let us know. If you move outside the Practice area, it will be necessary for you to find a doctor in your new area.

If you are moving even temporarily out of our practice area, you must sign on with a GP in your new area. We will be unable to provide medical services to you until you return to our practice area.

Please note: if you are under the care of a hospital when you change address, it is your responsibility to let them know that your details have changed.

Practice Involvement in Health Research

Why do research?

As a practice, we feel that research is essential for NHS progress and can be of considerable benefit for individual patients and the public as a whole.

What is research?

Research can involve a range of activities, from filling in a questionnaire or being interviewed, to testing a new drug or procedure. Each study will explain, in detail, what is required.

How do you choose who to invite?

This practice takes part in research studies with the help of experienced NHS staff who access patient’s medical records solely for the purpose of identifying and inviting patients to take part in research studies. Each study will be looking for different patient ‘groups’ based on set study criteria. No personal identifiable data is removed from the NHS or provided to any researchers without specific consent from patients.

Do I have to take part in research?

If you receive an invitation to take part in research, you are not obliged to take part. If you don’t want to be contacted about research studies at all, please let the reception staff or your GP know.

Non-English Speakers

These fact sheets have been written to explain the role of UK health services, the National Health Service (NHS), to newly-arrived individuals seeking asylum. They cover issues such as the role of GPs, their function as gatekeepers to the health services, how to register and how to access emergency services.

Special care has been taken to ensure that information is given in clear language, and the content and style has been tested with user groups.

Open the leaflets in one of the following languages: